A Department of Veterans Affairs study published recently in the journal Stroke reveals that starting yoga — even long after you’ve suffered a stroke — may noticeably improve your balance (as well as your confidence). Read the full story
Category Archives: VA News
Chelmsford Businessman Charged with Defrauding Federal Disabled-Veterans Program
Boston – A Chelmsford man was charged today in Federal court with defrauding the Federal Government with a scheme to subvert a program designed to provide business opportunities for Service-Disabled Veteran owners of small construction companies.
Lose Weight the VA Way
Do you stay in that weight rut? Eat a lot, then lose a lot, then do it over again? VA has a program that can end that cycle and change your life. It’s called MOVE! and it can help you lose weight and keep it off. Read the full story
Relationship retreats: from warriors to soul mates
VA has a new goal to care for and heal our wounded Veterans. In addition to repairing their damaged bodies and minds, VA has embarked on a unique campaign to repair their crumbling intimate relationships. Read the full story
13 of VA’s Top Links for Vet Services
VA has numerous ways to help Vets. Many do not know our programs exist. You can help. Print out this story, put a few of them in your car, and hand them out when you meet a Vet, on the street, at church on Sunday, wherever. Read the full story
Olympic Medalist Visits Hospitalized Vets
On August 23, the Bedford, Mass. VA Medical Center welcomed home Natalie Dell, a health research scientist who won a bronze medal during this summer’s London Olympics as a member of a four-woman sculls rowing team. Read the full story
Vets Find Therapy in the Arts
Each year, Veterans compete in creative arts competitions. There are 120 categories in the performing arts — such as music, dance, drama and creative writing. Winners attend the National Veterans Creative Arts Festival. Read the full story
VA Pharmacists Play Key Role in Veterans Health Care
VA pharmacists know medications, how they work, and their effects on Veteran patients. They work closely with health care providers to optimize Veterans’ drug therapy so Vets get the most benefit from their medications Read the full story
VA Leads Nation in Breast Cancer Screening Rates
VA leads the nation in breast cancer screening rates and has outperformed non-VA health care systems in breast cancer screenings for more than 15 years, with 87 percent of eligible women receiving mammograms in fiscal year 2011. Read the full story
VA Surveys Return Important Data for Veterans’ Health
Surveys are essential to future health care policy for Veterans. Three current surveys focus on Vietnam-era Army, Gulf War, and OEF/OIF Vets. When you complete the survey, you are helping yourself and your fellow Veterans. Read the full story