Two volunteers walk alongside women Veterans throughout their pregnancies and the early days of being a mom to ensure these Veterans remain connected to their VA Medical Center through pregnancy and beyond. Read the full story
4th of July, PTSD, Wedding, Helping Out: Vet’s Full Agenda
Veteran Melvin Shick will celebrate the 4th of July remembering that “I fought for this land, to keep it free.” Even with PTSD and borderline Traumatic Brain Injury from combat in Iraq, he “has no regrets. We did our job.” Read the full story
Do Men and Women Handle Post-Deployment Stress Differently?
Women service members are experiencing increased exposure to combat in Iraq and Afghanistan, but a study by the National Center for PTSD has found that they are handling the stress as well as their male counterparts. Read the full story
One in Ten Older Vets is Depressed
Late life depression: an important problem for older Veterans with devastating consequences such as suicide. Family members and caregivers should watch for symptoms and notify their VA health provider as soon as possible. Read the full story
Supporting Veterans at Every Age and Stage
As part of a national collaboration between VA Medical Centers and area Offices on Aging, the Syracuse VA Medical Center is participating in the pilot program that allows Veterans to direct their care and keep their independence. Read the full story
90-year-old Veteran with Glaucoma Still Sees Humor Every Day
A 90-year-old Veteran, receiving care for glaucoma at the VA Medical Center in New York City, entertains fellow members of his support group with jokes and stories from his show business career. Read the full story
Real men go to the doctor
Men’s Health Week is raising awareness of preventable health problems and encouraging early detection and treatment. VA has tips and treatment programs to promote healthy living for all Veterans. Read the full story
First Do No Harm: Taking a systems approach to problem solving
Conducting a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a critical aspect in the process of improving patient safety. Multidisciplinary RCA teams investigate matters ranging from medication errors, to suicides, to wrong site surgeries. Read the full story
How Reducing Distractions Can Make All the Difference When it Comes to Patient Safety
Nursing Crew Resource Management: a training program that helps nurses enhance patient safety by minimizing distractions, building teamwork, improving performance, and managing human error. Read the full story
Fighting Cancer as a Patient and as a Nurse
Already in school to become an oncology nurse, Sue Sivess-Franks was diagnosed with breast cancer. Her fight to live and hope for the future impacted her career in helping Veterans facing the same battle. Read the full story