Twenty-six of our forty-four Presidents served in the military. The core values of decision-making and inspiring leadership prove to be valuable both in the service and in the eyes of the American public. Read the full story
National African American History Month
The Veterans Health Administration is celebrating African American History Month this February. The 2011 theme is “African Americans and the Civil War,” which urges all Americans to study and reflect on the value of their contribution to the nation. Read the full story
National Salute to Veteran Patients Week
During “National Salute to Veteran Patients Week,” February 13-19, VA medical facilities across America are honoring their men and women Veteran patients with salutes and ceremonies, featuring musical concerts and Valentines…and inviting the public to join in the recognition. Read the full story
Fighting for Your Heart: Education on Women and Heart Disease
Heart disease is the number one cause of death in American women yet often the threat is underestimated. The risk is equal, if not greater in some cases, for women who are dealing with health problems such as high cholesterol or diabetes. Read the full story
How I Lost Weight: In Thomas Day’s Own Words
Thomas Day took the challenge to move and lose weight. While not easy at first, with perseverance, patience and passion, 20 months later he is taking incredible strides. Read the full story
Information Related to Delayed Processing of Spring 2011 Enrollments
We would like to make you aware that VA’s offices responsible for processing Education benefits payments have been closed several days during January due to inclement weather. We are working hard to get caught up including working mandatory overtime on Saturdays and Sundays. We expect to have the situation under control within the next week to ten days. We are very concerned about the strain this can cause if you have not yet received your February 1 check and we are working hard to get you paid.
Until your February 1 payment is received, we have created a letter you may wish to show creditors. Please click on the title of this feed to view the letter.
Severe Winter Weather Causes Claims Processing Delays
Severe winter weather across much of the nation has caused unexpected delays in processing payments for Spring 2011 enrollments. We are implementing many stopgap procedures to bring the workload down, including temporary staff reassignments, mandatory overtime, and tiger teams. Rest assured we are doing our best to get your benefits to you as soon as possible.
The Path to Rehabilitation is on Independence Way
Feeling the weight of a carton of eggs in your hand is something you have probably never taken notice of before. For rehab patients, Independence Way is an opportunity to re-learn life’s everyday chores. Read the full story
Expanding Care: Suicide Prevention Hotline Reaches Out to Homeless Veterans
Homelessness can be a trigger for suicidal thoughts; The National Veterans Suicide Prevention Hotline launched an expansion of hotline services over the phone and online for homeless veterans. Read the full story
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as “winter depression,” is not pure seasonal depression, but seasonal worsening of pre-existing depression. It is defined as “recurring depression with seasonal onset and remission,” mostly affecting people who already have depression. Read the full story